Place a Delivery Order
Delivery Schedule:
We will deliver your order on the next delivery day for your location. Your order must be received a day before the delivery day.
Monday: Chazy, West Chazy, Beekmantown, Plattsburgh, Morrisonville, Peru
Tuesday: Champlain, Rouses Point, Mooers, Ellenburg, Chateaugay, Malone
Wednesday: Same as Monday
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Same as Monday and Wednesday
Please review Duprey’s delivery policy, delivery charge and route schedule before ordering.
Prices on all products and delivery charges may change without notice. *Please know this a particularly volatile time for pricing.
We are happy to delivery just about any product our store offers.
MINIMUM ORDER - All orders need a 24 hour notice with a minimum delivery of 10 bags (mixed feed, shavings, dog food).
Saranac, Keeseville, Jay areas require a 48 hour notice.
If the order is less than 10 bags, a delivery charge will be applied as follows:
Chazy $5.00
Champlain, Rouses Point, Beekmantown, West Chazy, Mooers $10.00
All other areas will be charged a minimum of $20.00
Any deliveries off schedule will also be charged delivery.